Why Pakistan?
Rudyard Kipling, The Explorer (1898)
Dates: From Beginning of July to Middle of August.
Please call or email for further details. Limited number of climbers' slots available. Support trekkers to base camp welcomed.
photo by Mäddis |
Concordia Expeditions and Masood Ahmad interviewed on BBC World Service about the Swat valley, May 9, 2009. Hear what he had to say using quicktime, or right click to download and play on your mp3 player.
Although there are a few postcards available, in Pakistan you will feel much more like the traveler of yesteryear than the tourist of today. It is a rare and delightful experience!
Situated at the crossroads of history, Pakistan is a land of marvelous contrasts. From its southern desert plains to the terraced green fields of Askolie in the north (the last village before K-2), Pakistan drenches the senses with mountain majesty and exotic tribal cultures.
Moving north, the endless white sandy beaches of the Arabian Sea give way to the Punjabi plains and vast agricultural lands. Then comes the great gash of the Indus Gorge and countless snow-locked peaks along the border with China and the former Central Asian republics of the Soviet Union.
Through the ages many civilizations settled along the banks of the mighty Indus River. The Indus, father of rivers, begins its journey in the remote peaks of the Sub-continent. Coursing in roiling fury through the Indus Gorge, the Indus is edged by the fragile ribbon of the Karakoram Highway (KKH).
Today, the heirs of these ancient cultures: Baltis, Hunzakuts, Pushtuns and a host of others still practice their timeless ways of life along the KKH.Each year millions flock to the European Alps and thousands visit Nepal. Only a few of the well-informed and adventurously curious are fortunate enough to experience the stunning "Roof of the World" that is Northern Pakistan. Here four great mountain ranges meet: the Himalaya, Karakoram, Hindukush and Pamir mountains.
Embracing many of the planet's highest peaks, the Pamir Knot of Pakistan is the incredible confluence of these four giant ranges. Of the fourteen highest peaks on earth, Pakistan has five, two of which are the sublime pyramid of K2 (8611 m.) the second highest mountain on earth and the most dangerous mountain in the world, Nanga Parbat (8125 m.).
In addition, the area contains some of the longest and largest glacier systems outside of the polar regions. Pakistani hospitality and friendliness are legendary. Come join us in a world of unparallel beauty and drama. Learn and witness for yourself what so few others have experienced.

The year was 1948. The place was the 'roof of the world.' A fantastic region of our planet covered with sharp, jagged mountains touching the heavens. The mission entailed air-dropping supplies, food and medicines, to the impoverished people under siege in Free Kashmir.
 Skardu Airfield 1951 - Masood's father Wing Commander "Lanky" Ahmad in center. |
Flying Officer 'Lanky' Ahmad, a young air force pilot, was entrusted to complete this assignment. Read about his adventures in A Lucky Pilot. During this time, he pioneered new flying routes through the isolated valleys and the daunting mountains of the Karakoram and Himalaya, beginning a relationship with the land and her people which exists today in the form of Concordia Expeditions run by his son, Masood.
The Northern Areas of Pakistan are under assault once again. The enemy is not as evident, but just as serious; the enemy is us. Visitors, trekkers and mountaineers who enter this fragile ancient ecosystem create unnecessary environmental and cultural degradation.
Concordia Expeditions was formed to counter this commonplace phenomenon by offering culturally and environmentally conscious intimate trips with individuals who know and embody Pakistan. This allows for more personable journeys creating minimal impact at campsites.
Concordia Expeditions is in touch with Pakistan authorities to ensure that issues arising from indiscriminate tourism remain in the forefront of their attention. Our family and lifelong contacts enable us to influence those individuals in the tourism department and other agencies responsible for protecting and preserving Pakistan's land and her unique culture for future generations.

Imitation Is The Best Form Of Flattery!
Concordia Expeditions is the original, reputable and historical adventure travel company based in USA. Please be advised that we do NOT have any dealings with companies of similar name based out of Pakistan which attempt to copy our successful model.
Legal Disclaimer:
Concordia Expeditions based out of Crestone, Colorado, USA is not responsible for any trips arranged directly or indirectly through company or companies of similar name based out of Pakistan and advise that the risk involved in taking a trip through these companies or company is entirely the responsibility of the participant or participants. |